Winning at the 2024 Pollie and Telly Awards

May 24, 2024

The New Media Firm was honored to be recognized during the 2024 awards season at both the Pollie and Telly awards for our work in 2023.

The Telly Awards honor the best in film and video production. We received three Telly awards in 2023 for our digital work. The winning ads included a long-form explainer video on Social Security for The Alliance for Retired Americans, and two spots highlighting the great work educators are doing in both South Carolina and Mississippi. 

In addition, The New Media Firm was recognized at The American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) Awards. Our ad for the One For All Committee, “Follow the Rules,” received a Silver Pollie in the Digital Advertising for Down-ballot Statewide category as part of our program to elect Judge Janet Protasiewicz to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, a major win for Democrats in 2023.  

Congratulations to our clients and colleagues! We’re honored to be able to tell their stories, lift up communities, and celebrate progressive values across the country.