The Return of a Classic

July 13, 2012

New Media Firm founder Will Robinson has trained a lot of young politicos over the years, and among the old chestnuts he likes to share are his “Rules for Campaign Staffers”.

Will was pleased to haul them out again this week to share with aspiring young operatives at the Democratic GAIN – Atlas Project training in College Park, MD.

And he thought you might be interested in seeing them, too.

Will Robinson’s Rules for Campaign Staffers

1. If it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist.
2. No such thing as “off the record.” (Reporters are not your friends!)
3. Do not hold a private conversation in a public place. (This includes cellular phones and planes!)
4. Don’t believe any number that ends in zero.
5. Never turn down an opportunity to eat or go to the bathroom. (Don’t eat anything that you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce.)
6. Don’t spend any of your own money. (Personal) Don’t even admit you own a credit card. Don’t spend money that is not yours. (Authorized)
7. Not always a “right” or “wrong” answer – “It depends”
8. In a campaign, someone has to be in charge – campaigns are a place to foster democracy, not practice it.
9. Assume nothing.
10. If you make a mistake, fix it before analyzing, etc. (Bad news doesn’t age well.)